In spite of the rainy weather, 80 members made it to the second meeting of the year. Trisha and Mary from Harebrained Happenings were our delightful speakers, two women with a passion for craft, animals and creating quilts, bags, wallhangings and patterns. We heard of their individual and joint quilting histories, watched their slide show and saw a display of many completed pieces, full of humour and whimsy. During break, members enjoyed looking through their large pattern collection. Quite a few were purchased so we can look forward to the interpretations our members will bring to the designs. If you missed the meeting, be sure to check out their website,
The business meeting followed break. Gail provided an overview of the constitution revision which will be voted on in November. All members are encouraged to look this over and submit comments or questions in writing to the executive before the next meeting. Let's Quilt Day in two weeks will involve groups of 7 participating in the "Snip, Rip, Pass, Toss..." for which each person will be required to bring in one metre of fabric. Jannet provided three Tips of the Month: make a photo album of all quilts you make, use Basting Spray for smooth backs and plan the quilting in your borders using paper folded into sections. Questionnaires (84) filled in last month indicate that we are all "intermediate" quilters, even someone who has been quilting for 65 years - how humble we are! The November workshop is filled but a wait list is being compiled. Pat Palmer will be doing a Kaleidoscope quilt workshop in January but there are only 6 spots left. Brenda correctly identified the Dresden Plate in "Name the Block" after it was determined that Barb couldn't be a contestant two months in a row. Show and Share was wonderful, as always.
The business meeting followed break. Gail provided an overview of the constitution revision which will be voted on in November. All members are encouraged to look this over and submit comments or questions in writing to the executive before the next meeting. Let's Quilt Day in two weeks will involve groups of 7 participating in the "Snip, Rip, Pass, Toss..." for which each person will be required to bring in one metre of fabric. Jannet provided three Tips of the Month: make a photo album of all quilts you make, use Basting Spray for smooth backs and plan the quilting in your borders using paper folded into sections. Questionnaires (84) filled in last month indicate that we are all "intermediate" quilters, even someone who has been quilting for 65 years - how humble we are! The November workshop is filled but a wait list is being compiled. Pat Palmer will be doing a Kaleidoscope quilt workshop in January but there are only 6 spots left. Brenda correctly identified the Dresden Plate in "Name the Block" after it was determined that Barb couldn't be a contestant two months in a row. Show and Share was wonderful, as always.